Rotate images

Some cameras, like the Canon G3, detects the orientation of a picture and adds this info to the EXIF header. Apache::Gallery detects this and automaticly rotates images with this info.

If your camera does not support this, you can rotate the images manually, This can also be used to override the rotate information from a camera that supports that. You can also disable this behavior with the GalleryAutoRotate option.

To use this functionality you have to create file with the name of the picture you want rotated appened with ".rotate". The file should include a number where these numbers are supported:

"1", rotates clockwise by 90 degree
"2", rotates clockwise by 180 degrees
"3", rotates clockwise by 270 degrees

So if we want to rotate "Picture1234.jpg" 90 degrees clockwise we would create a file in the same directory called "Picture1234.jpg.rotate" with the number 1 inside of it.


To include comments for a directory you create a directory.comment file where the first line can contain "TITLE: New title" which will be the title of the page, and a comment on the following lines. To include comments for each picture you create files called picture.jpg.comment where the first line can contain "TITLE: New title" which will be the title of the page, and a comment on the following lines.


TITLE: This is the new title of the page
And this is the comment.
And this is line two of the comment.

The visible name of the folder is by default identical to the name of the folder, but can be changed by creating a file .folder with the visible name of the folder.